Saturday, 3 March 2018

White Out

A claw closing in around us.
And waiting.
As it always has been.
Waiting for a reverence,
I cannot give it.

I can't understand,
Let alone be it.
It is too strange for me and
I am too far away.

There is a moment when all is lost to it.
We are an island surrounded.
And we are too difficult.

It is a pleasure.
It is a loss.
To be so cut off.
To be so stranded.

The white has eaten the green.
There is nothing left.

Even the light basks in its glory.
Even the light is not its own.

We all have to be difficult.
We all have to be strange.
But most of all,

We all have to be lonely. 

Saturday, 17 February 2018

A Comet Born

At first I thought you invisible,
As I struggled to see who you would be to me.
I couldn't place a person in that first glimmer
Of starlight.

The phosphorescent haze solidified
Into a single angle of diamond light
Holding an entire microcosm
Of human life.

Held in my hands I can detect
The coiled potential strength
Tailing the tiny body like an aura
Of independence.